Top 10 Questions to ask at your child’s Parents’ Evening

10 Questions to ask at Parents’ Evening

After 10 minutes of the teacher talking to you about your child’s progress they ask you if you have any questions to ask them.   If you are any thing like me your mind goes completely blank and it is only later in the car on the way home that you suddenly remember that important question that you wanted to know about your child’s education! Go in prepared with our top 10 questions to ask at your child’s parents’ evening.

So this year I am going prepared with this handy list of the Top 10 questions to ask at parents evening:

1. Do they seem happy at school ? Do they get along with other children?

2. Who do they play with?

3. Which subject is their strongest and which do they get the most enjoyment out of ?

4. What is their weakest subject and how can you help to encourage them to make more progress in it?

5. What can we do at home to help?

6. Are they making steady progress? If the parent interview is early on in the school year this question may not be relevant yet as the teacher is still getting to know your child.

7. Do they contribute to class discussions?

8. Are they at the expected level for their age group? If  they are performing below their age, ask what areas need to be worked on and what is being done by the school to bring them up to the level required for their age group.

9. If your child is having any learning difficulties then bring this up as well. What extra support can the school provide? What feedback can you get from the teacher implementing this support?

10. If your child is preparing for exams – What work is outstanding? What subject areas do they need to revise? Are they on target to get the grade they need?

If you feel your child needs more support with their school work On Target Tuition in Lisburn can help. Call us on 9267 5071 to discuss how we can help .  

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